maanantai 28. marraskuuta 2011

sad :(

omo ! I don't have any readers ! So.. why I'm writing this ? I don't know... Tomorrow we are going to movies with the school, yay ! :D

What are you listening now ? Or are you even listening anything ? I'm listening.. B1A4- O.K. :)

I'm so bored.. 

keke~ my english teacher is so wierd ! He is old, like 52. My mom is 53 btw.. but, yeah, he is acting normal, and then the next second he is acting like a baby ! O_O He yells too much, but I don't mind, 'cause I like english.

hmm.... today, I make gif-spam, it's the first time !! :D yay !!

My dog is so SWEET ! <3 I love him (:

but yeah... Don't know what to write about, so ... bye ! 

Annnddddd yeah; gifs !

I hope u happy now..
xoxo Aliisa

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