sunnuntai 6. marraskuuta 2011

Everyone, AYO, everyone, AYO

I love this song ! I now it's old and stuff, but still ! :D
I link it for you:

There you go ! (: Oh, my dog is so annoying ! He barks all the time. -.-'' But he is very cute. ^^ keke~~ I put a picture of him !:
Isn't he cute ? ^^

Today I'm not gonna make a picture spam, don't worry.. And the reason is because i'm not at home, I'm at my dad's place. Well, okey, I put few pictures. keke~ :D

I made a perforation in my ear few seconds ago ! :D I can put a picture of it, but I guess, nobody is intrested. :D.. so I don't put a picture of it..

I saw a wierd dream. I was on a boat trip and there was my mom and my sister. And there was also my mom's friends, and they died. ;o

Today I woke up at 2pm. I know it's late ^^ but I'm really tired.. Oh, I'm so bored ! Okay, here comes the pictures ! keke~

Phew ! Hope this is good for you~

xoxo Aliisa

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