maanantai 28. marraskuuta 2011

sad :(

omo ! I don't have any readers ! So.. why I'm writing this ? I don't know... Tomorrow we are going to movies with the school, yay ! :D

What are you listening now ? Or are you even listening anything ? I'm listening.. B1A4- O.K. :)

I'm so bored.. 

keke~ my english teacher is so wierd ! He is old, like 52. My mom is 53 btw.. but, yeah, he is acting normal, and then the next second he is acting like a baby ! O_O He yells too much, but I don't mind, 'cause I like english.

hmm.... today, I make gif-spam, it's the first time !! :D yay !!

My dog is so SWEET ! <3 I love him (:

but yeah... Don't know what to write about, so ... bye ! 

Annnddddd yeah; gifs !

I hope u happy now..
xoxo Aliisa

sunnuntai 6. marraskuuta 2011

Everyone, AYO, everyone, AYO

I love this song ! I now it's old and stuff, but still ! :D
I link it for you:

There you go ! (: Oh, my dog is so annoying ! He barks all the time. -.-'' But he is very cute. ^^ keke~~ I put a picture of him !:
Isn't he cute ? ^^

Today I'm not gonna make a picture spam, don't worry.. And the reason is because i'm not at home, I'm at my dad's place. Well, okey, I put few pictures. keke~ :D

I made a perforation in my ear few seconds ago ! :D I can put a picture of it, but I guess, nobody is intrested. :D.. so I don't put a picture of it..

I saw a wierd dream. I was on a boat trip and there was my mom and my sister. And there was also my mom's friends, and they died. ;o

Today I woke up at 2pm. I know it's late ^^ but I'm really tired.. Oh, I'm so bored ! Okay, here comes the pictures ! keke~

Phew ! Hope this is good for you~

xoxo Aliisa

torstai 3. marraskuuta 2011

another post :D

Hello ! Hello ! :D

How are you doing ? I'm doing good. Singing and listening music, like always :D. Today was my sister's school's open days. It was boring :P. I worried about my readers D: I think I don't have any readers. :S I hope I have ^^ Have you seen DGNA Injun's new hair ? :o They are kind of shocking for me. ;o I started to cry  ! keke ~  I can put a picture of them. 

Yes, that is Injun... oh, I can feel the tears coming ;__; 

Yeah.. *trying to forget the photo*
Good news ! I have more pictures of ... ONEW <3. So today it's gonna be Onew picture marathon. keke~ Hope you like him ^^. Well.. I can put some pictures of... umm.. Jjong ? :D IDK. OH ! SIWON ! I put pictures of him ! keke~~ prepare to laugh ;)  I don't know what pictures I put... :D
Do you wanna hear finnish music ? Here you go:

It's Kaija Koo, my dad's favorite singer. :D

omo ! Onew is so cute ^^

I have something to ask for you. Are you reading this blog ? If you are, pls comment ! ^^

Oghh ! <--- I don't know what that is O_O  What ? You said pictures ? HERE YOU GO: 
                                                      Look Minho ! :D

                                                    awww <3 a puppy <3

Oh, I almost forget. Pictures of Siwon ! : ( I put more pictures on next post)

There you go (;;

Okey, till the next time, BYE !~ 
xoxo Aliisa

P.S. Mom ! I'm waiting my cookies ! >(